Karen Gillan (‘Doctor Who’) interview

Doctor Who returns to BBC One for Series 6 later this month, starring Karen Gillan as the Doctor’s companion Amy Pond. Returning for her second series aboard the TARDIS, Karen reveals what lies in store for Amy…

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Matt Smith (‘Doctor Who’) interview

Doctor Who returns to BBC One for Series 6 later this month, starring Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor. Here he reveals what lies in store for the Doctor and his fellow TARDIS travellers in 2011, and why the Fez is no longer his favourite hat.

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Steven Moffat (‘Doctor Who’) interview

Doctor Who returns to BBC One for Series 6 later this month, starring Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor alongside Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill as his companions Amy and Rory. Lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat answered seven quick-fire questions on what to look out for when the show returns at Easter.

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‘Spooks’ cast interviews

Series 9 of BBC One’s spy drama Spooks is released on DVD next week. Watch cast members Peter Firth (Harry), Richard Armitage (Lucas), Sophia Myles (Beth) and Max Brown (Dimitri) discuss filming the show.

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