The Walking Dead director says season 10 opening is “unlike anything we’ve ever done”

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“You’re not going to be sure what show you’re watching for the first 30 seconds…”

Greg Nicotero, who directed the first two episodes of The Walking Dead‘s upcoming tenth season, has been teasing an incredible return for the long-running zombie drama series in October.

“The opening three minutes is unlike anything we’ve ever done. You’re not gonna be sure what show you’re watching for the first 30 seconds,” Nicotero told Comicbook. “But it constantly challenges me, this show.”

Nicotero hints that the opening of season 10 will definitely restart the show off on the right foot.

“We have a big cast and we’re constantly reminding ourselves we need to pay tribute to you guys, we need to put some great episodes out there, and thank you guys for continuing to watch. So in pure Walking Dead fashion, it opens with a bang,” he said. “It was a great experience and as the show gets bigger, we use more tools to tell the story, and there’s a lot of really, really epic shots that show the world, and show the scope of what our people have become in the interim of the snow episode.”

The Walking Dead season 10 will premiere on Monday 7th October on FOX UK.