Articles by:

Tony Jones

‘Doctor Who’ spin-off review: ‘The New Counter-Measures – Who Killed Toby Kinsella?’

July 2015, and after four popular box sets, Big Finish killed off the Counter-Measures team. The only survivor from the 1960s spin-off from Remembrance of the Daleks was Sir Toby Kinsella (Hugh Ross). Gone were Group Captain Ian ‘Chunky’ Gilmore (Simon Williams), Rachel Jensen (Pamela Salem) and Allison Williams (Karen Gledhill), and time has rolled … >

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Sylvester McCoy

Big Finish’s ‘Doctor Who’ audio stories: June 2016 reviews round-up

Another busy month in the worlds of Doctor Who audio sees the release of UNIT: Shutdown, the second set of adventures following Kate Stewart, Osgood and friends, saving the world without Time Lord assistance. Meanwhile, Torchwood presents an early tale, with Game of Thrones actress Indira Varma reprising her role as wayward agent Suzie Costello in ‘Moving … >

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Big Finish’s ‘Survivors’ box set review: Season 4 is dark and powerful

Big Finish’s latest set of post-apocalyptic tales based on Terry Nation’s 1970s TV series Survivors takes the action forward two years after the plague, and finds yet more moral and ethical challenges for Greg Preston (Ian McCulloch) and Jenny Richards (Lucy Fleming). As before this is aimed at an adult audience, and is as dark … >

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‘Torchwood’ audio review: Suzie Costello returns in ‘Moving Target’

Big Finish’s range of brand new Torchwood stories continues this month with ‘Moving Target’. Guy Adams’ story gives us the return of bad-girl Suzie Costello (Game of Thrones actress Indira Varma) who was killed in the first ever TV episode of the show (which didn’t preclude her coming back in a later story). This means the … >

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Peter Davison

Big Finish’s ‘Doctor Who’ audio story reviews: April 2016 round-up

In another busy month for the Doctor Who audio wizards, the Torchwood range featured the return of technical specialist Tosh for an adventure in ‘Zone 10’. April also provided the much awaited New Adventures adaptation, this time bringing the Seventh Doctor and Ace to the 1960s for Mark Gatiss’ atmospheric novel ‘Nightshade’. While The Fourth … >

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