6 Tips for Becoming a Successful Musician

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There is no greater feeling than being able to say that you can play an instrument. This feeling is even more joyous if you’re able to say that you’re also a successful musician.


When it comes to music and instruments, it can sometimes be difficult to know how to become a top-tier player. This is a craft that takes a lot of time and practice to gain expertise.


For those who are looking for an extra push in their music, here are six tips for becoming a successful musician.


1. Know Your Gear


Some people buy the most expensive instrument pieces and think that this means they will play better, but this is not always the case.


In fact, the opposite is true for many instruments, and there are many affordable options for things that will work just as well as the expensive kits. For example, you can find the best used cymbals for a fraction of the price of some of the brand new ones that are sold in stores, and they’ll work just as well.


2. Practice


This one seems obvious, but it’s important to point out: practice, practice, practice.


You’re never going to get any better at your instrument if it’s collecting dust in your garage. Often, people buy instruments with hopes of one day learning how to play, but that day too commonly never comes.


Also, practice doesn’t go away once you’ve learned. You should always be practicing to get better at your instrument.


3. Set Realistic Goals


Sure, we would all like to be famous rock stars one day. However, this is not attainable for most musicians.


Many music players would be happy with just a few gigs at their local bar. If you set unrealistic goals for yourself, you’re bound to feel like you have failed when you should actually be happy with the work that you have put into music.


Learning an instrument in itself is a challenge, so you should feel proud to have done that.


4. Organize a Jam Session


If you’re not in a band, it can be a good idea to organize a jam session with your musical friends. This way, you can get advice on your abilities from other musicians.


This also allows you to understand what your playing sounds like with other people, and you can practice your timing and improvisational skills.


Additionally, you can make new friends in the music industry that may lead to a band one day.


5. Find a Teacher


If you are just starting with music, or if you need an extra push to better your musical quality, consider signing up for classes with a music teacher.


For many, there is no better way to learn than to force yourself to go to a music class every week to learn the steps to becoming a great musician.


Remember that it’s never too late to involve a teacher in your playing. They will only make you better, so it is worth it to find someone to help you reach the top level.


6. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone


Whether you’re playing a different music style or a completely different instrument, it is important to get out of your comfort zone musically.


You never know what you might be good at with regards to music styles and other instruments. In the future, this will also allow you to look back at how far you’ve come, and you’ll feel successful no matter what.


Being a musician can sometimes be discouraging, but if you’re able to set realistic goals for yourself and learn an instrument to the best of your ability, you should feel like a successful musician.