Casinos That Might Be Haunted By Their Former Gangster Owners

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When most people think about gambling they either think about poker, blackjack, or maybe roulette. Some people might think about sports and sports betting when they think about gambling. Whatever the situation is, most people usually don’t associate gambling with paranormal. Sure, there were tons of great Halloween-inspired casino ideas online last year, but most people just don’t think about spirits and strange occurrences when they think about gambling.


Well, that might change you learn that there are things that do go bump in the night. Not only are there things that go bump in the night, but there are things that do it in some of the most famous casinos in the world. Are these the former presence of the gangster owners and their posse or something else entirely?


Planet Hollywood or Aladdin Hotel


It is no big secret that Planet Hollywood sits on the old ground of the Aladdin Hotel. It is also no big secret that many guests and employees make paranormal claims during their time here. Some of them even reported seeing images of the former owners as well as hearing things at the door during the middle of the night. Some have even claimed that they have heard knocks or rustling at the door, but nothing was there when they got up and answered them. It is not an uncommon occurrence to hear hushed voices chattering in the halls in the middle of the night.


Tropicana Las Vegas


You can speak to any employee or reoccurring guest at the Tropicana, and they will all tell you the same thing. They will tell you that the Tropicana is certainly no stranger to odd events as well. In the last couple of years, there were several incidents involving the tiki mask that guards the entrance of the hotel. This mask used to sit in the lobby and guard the entrance, but the staff ended up taking it down. It was rumored that there was some kind of evil spirit trapped within the mask. Whether this is true or not, it is a medical fact that several guests and employees experienced rashes after coming into contact with the mask.


The Luxor Hotel And Casino


Just remember if you want to avoid potential ghostly encounters and still get your feel for gambling, you always have the option of doing so online. There are tons of quality online providers like sbobet88 that offer a wide range of traditional casinos and table games. Not only do they offer these traditional games, but they offer them for real money. This is something that people planning on visiting the Luxor will want to consider. It is said that this casino is haunted by the seven construction workers that died during the original construction.


Flamingo Hotel And Casino


It was said that Bugsy Siegel, one of the most infamous gangsters of his time, had a hand in designing the Flamingo. It is also a well-known fact that he was gunned down in 1947before he got to see the casino come to fruition. In fact, the casino almost didn’t even get built because when Bugsy was murder the owners lost his part of the investment. Without replacement investors, the construction would have stopped. There is even a memorial in the casino dedicated to Bugsy that fans can visit. It is said that this is what is haunting the casino.