Netflix Films for Your Hookup Relationships After the First Date

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Online dating is one of the most exciting things because you can meet people today that want to have hot dates right away. Having such a relationship online can be a transformative experience. You can improve your hookup skills by communicating with other people. As you can see from the movies below, a hookup site can be a great place not only to hook someone up for a dream date night but also transform it into great and romantic relationships. You never know what life is going to bring you after you try dating online for the first time.



The first movie that we have to look at is the classic, Hitch. In this, the titular character, played by Will Smith, helps people find the love of their life with a system of his own making. He ends up going out on a date and falls for a woman. Eventually, he and one of his proteges end up breaking all the rules that Hitch outlined at the beginning of the film. The lesson here is to be open to new possibilities, and you never know what can happen!

50 First Dates

This hilarious film was set in Hawaii and is most renowned for Adam Sandler’s quirks. The movie starts with Adam Sandler’s character, Henry, starts getting to know a woman when he is waiting for the Coast Guard at a local diner. Although he thinks the relationship is going great, the people around the woman, Lucy, tell him to leave her alone. It turns out that she has a major problem with her memory caused by a car accident. She can’t make new memories. While that seems to sink the relationship, Henry fights through the difficulties. Eventually, the two decide to be together no matter what, and Henry helps her out by making a film of their life to that point so she can watch and remember every morning! Persistence and resilience are the keys to love!

Crazy Stupid Love

A man named Cal gets cheated on by his wife and looks to rebound with several women. His hookups turn out to be nothing more than sex, but eventually, he finds that he is harboring feelings for his ex again. While Cal and Emily have some near misses, they stay apart while bemoaning the fact that they split up. During the course of the film, the misunderstandings are fixed, and it’s hinted that Cal and Emily will get back together at some point in the future. The lesson is that hookups can be fun, but lasting love is better for most people.

The Best of Me

This is a Nicholas Sparks book made into a movie, so we all know that it is going to be a sad one! Two high-school lovers are reunited years after they started dating and then stopped. The future isn’t a bright one as the intelligent Dawson has settled into a life of blue-collar work. Moreover, his lover Amanda isn’t doing so well, either. The two try their hardest to get back together, but Dawson’s family and Amanda’s troubled past catch up to them in startling ways. The name of the film makes sense toward the end. The lesson here is that sometimes you have to hold onto something that is good, or it will turn bad if you wait too long.

Beauty and the Briefcase

The movie poses the question: what is the perfect man? Moreover, can the perfect man’s qualities be quantified in any meaningful way? According to Lane Daniels, a young woman, there are some things that every man should have. She has a very distinct and long checklist of qualities that should make a good man. As the movie goes on, she has to explore relationships with guys that fit her criteria and those that don’t. All in all, it’s eventually shown that the suit the man wears doesn’t matter nearly as much as the man inside of it. In the end, Lane settles for happiness and being with a guy that is just the right type of person. The lesson here is that you will know when you found someone special, and you can’t afford to let them go!


As you can see, the movies that we have mentioned here all have a great story to them. Basically, you should do your utmost to see where relationships go instead of throwing them away after the first few days. That is the only way that you can be sure of what you have in another person. While hookups can be a lot of fun with the right person, you should always remember that the relationship could grow into something more significant if you give it time. Go out and have fun, but always remember to keep an eye out for something special!