‘Total Recall’ or total rip-off?

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The cinematic remake is a tricky thing to pull off successfully – particularly if the movie being modernised was a smash-hit in the first place. The best thing to do, of course, is to reboot the franchise and pretty much ignore what went before, as Christopher Nolan did with Batman – and provided the studio has the nerve to back you up, it’s plain sailing all the way.

But what if there’s no franchise or mythology to root through beyond a single film based on a single short story? Well, one option would be to copy a substantial amount of the original in amazing detail; and while that isn’t what the producers of the new Total Recall film have done (no sirree, Mr Lawyer, they have not), the uploader of this YouTube comparison between the 1990 Schwarzenegger movie and the trailer for the 2012 redux seems to think otherwise…