Star Trek Discovery season 2 – An Obol for Charon review
If last week’s episode left you cold, it’s good news: this was undoubtedly the most Star Trekky episode of Discovery yet. No prizes for guessing how we rate it, then.
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If last week’s episode left you cold, it’s good news: this was undoubtedly the most Star Trekky episode of Discovery yet. No prizes for guessing how we rate it, then.
After two absolute smashes it was inevitable that Discovery was going to dip in quality, and a little, and this week most would probably agree that things weren’t at their best. But what went wrong?
Those viewers who have spent much of Discovery’s run frustrated by the lack of traditional Star Trek stories can be safely reassured by this week’s instalment, which pits science against religion on a planet with a helpfully contrived background. Naturally, it’s a fantastic episode.
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