‘Great Expectations’ review
Like the Queen’s Speech and a miserable Christmas in Walford, high quality period dramas are fixed points on our TV screens at Christmas.
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Like the Queen’s Speech and a miserable Christmas in Walford, high quality period dramas are fixed points on our TV screens at Christmas.
Guest starring Claire Skinner (Outnumbered), comedian Bill Bailey, Arabella Weir (The Fast Show) and Alexander Armstrong (Armstrong & Miller), Doctor Who returns for a 60-minute Christmas special.
You can’t help but smile. It’s The Doctor. At Christmas. Just sit back with your selection box and watch him shine.
By the Nazi-killing, zombie-bashing high standards of Series 3 it’s a rather low-key finale, and against the previous 7 episodes feels just a bit underwhelming.
Let’s not waste Time: the soundtrack to Doctor Who‘s sixth series is, without a Vashta Nerada’s shadow of a doubt, composer Murray Gold’s finest work on the series to date. Soaring choral pieces, intimate emotional moments, dark and foreboding notes of what is to come; it’s a score that emulates the variety and grandeur of … >
Grab yourself a baseball bat and a Cornetto; it’s zombie cheerleader time!
Our Misfits gang have stopped rapists, comic book freaks, and even the Nazis. Their mission this week? Have some ice cream and, err… save Rudy’s penis…
Typical. Just when you man-up and decide to ask the girl you fancy out for a drink, along comes a body-swapping coma victim to ruin your plans.
Friedrich the Nazi-hunter’s got Curtis’ old timey-wimey power, he’s got a knife, and he’s got a plan: let’s kill Hitler. What could possibly go wrong?
Trapped in the mother of all causal loops, Simon is calmly facing his SuperHoodie destiny, but it’s a road paved with oddballs. Oddballs like Peter.