‘Fringe’: ‘Anomaly XB-6783746’ review
If it wasn’t clear before that Fringe is approaching its endgame, it definitely is now.
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If it wasn’t clear before that Fringe is approaching its endgame, it definitely is now.
John Noble is always exceptional in this role, but this episode gives him a great chance to display his range.
It’s strange to think that merely five episodes of Fringe remain, let’s hope they’re all as strong as this.
Peter Jackson’s masterful and timeless Lord of the Rings trilogy represents a cinematic feat that will not easily be matched.
How Olivia processes what she’s just learned has the potential to be very interesting, and how Walter takes the news will undoubtedly be fascinating.
It’s hard not to feel that everything is building to the moment where we see Peter’s new Observer powers for the first time.
Compiling a list of Breaking Bad’s greatest moments so far is a daunting task.
‘An Origin Story’ is a striking episode that really focusses on the characters and tells a compelling story.
The dramatic conclusion to this week’s Fringe is something that hardly anybody could’ve seen coming.
This week’s Fringe is a solid episode that is unfortunately lacking in tension or urgency.