
Are Handheld Devices Taking Over?

    There are 7.8 billion people in the world. According to, 5 billion of those people have mobile phones. Which is understandable considering mobile phones are mostly the digital swiss-army knife of the present. With an abundance of tools to hand, in one small, portable, handheld device, mobile phones have become a necessity … >

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Unforgettable 90s Films

The 1990s were a remarkable time in pop culture. It seems that every medium, from music to film and fashion were pushing the boundaries of what had been done before. While we may look back on the grunge flannels and day-glo colors with a sigh and a headshake, secretly we all loved the 1990s. In … >

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Movies That Nobody Thought Would Succeed

Hollywood, as put together as it might seem to some individuals, is a place that can be a complete disaster sometimes. Between finding funding for movies, arguments between cast and producers, and tensions on the set, it seems a true miracle that most movies get made. This is especially true when you throw together some … >

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An Introductory Guide To Local SEO

It’s no secret that SEO is crucial for businesses. So many people start their purchasing process online today, and so few people click past the first page of Google, that if you don’t have a high search engine result page (SERP) ranking, then you are missing out on a lot of customers. But if you’re … >

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How do online casinos compare to Land Casinos?

The experiences gotten at land-based and online casinos are different. Even though many of the games available at land-based casinos are also available online, the environment makes a big difference. However, more people are playing at online casinos more than the land-based ones in today’s world. Does this mean online casinos are better than land-based … >

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Why watching TV can be good for you

  Watching TV has got a bad reputation over the years. It went from being a consumer dream to be blamed for everything – from obesity to aggressivity to anxiety.  But spending time in front of the telly can have more benefits than you think. And this isn’t just hearsay, it’s backed by science.   … >

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How To Make The Most Out Of Your Online Gaming Routine

You might feel like you lack in a million ways in certain games. It‘s nearly impossible to gain mastery over all the online games. But, you can achieve impossible by paying attention to small things. Want to know how? Then keep reading. Necessary adjustments can go a long way A newbie tries to focus solely … >

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Timeline How Watching TV Has Evolved in the Last 20 Years

  Entertainment has never been the same since the introduction of the television. It was John Logie Baird who conducted the first demonstration of this technology in January 1926 to 50 scientists. But it wasn’t until 1946, after the war, that this tech was mass-produced for commercial use. Since then, TV technology evolved in significant … >

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5 of the Best Stoner Movies of All Time 

  There are regular top movie lists every now and then, but it’s stoners time. There are movies, and there are MOVIES. Ever watched a movie where stoners displayed their smoking creativity as well as made badass moves? This type of list is always tricky to decide, but we’ve made a compilation of some of … >

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4 Tips On Designing Home Theater

A home theater is very peculiar, but some people love the idea of having a theater in their home. There is so much that goes into the making of a media room or a theater, but it is well worth it and in some cases, they can add the value of the house as well. … >

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