

Watch all your favourite Netflix films without restrictions

  It seems that not a week goes by without more news coming of Netflix buying another expensive film for its hugely popular streaming service, or it commissioning one itself. Movies featuring the likes of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, Kurt Russell and more are on the way, and due to be released in … >

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Best Jungle Scout Alternative

It is a known fact that Amazon sellers are engaged in a constant battle to stay ahead of others in the marketplace. The digital tools that sellers subscribe to will make them experience different sales performance and optimization process. These digital tools enhance the detection of the right goods and their effective sales. The success … >

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TV Shows That Should Be Made Into Video Slots

  Video slots are some of the most popular online casino games and although many slots are based on unique themes, there are many that are based on pre-existing television shows. Take a look below to discover some television shows we believe should be made into video slots.   The Boys   The Boys is … >

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Now That ‘Vikings’ is Ending, What Can We Watch Next?

For fans of the hit History Channel show Vikings, the recent announcement that the final ten episodes of the series will be airing on streaming services over the coming days came as an unexpected blow. It feels like there is still a lot to wrap up with the show, and it seems difficult to imagine the … >

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Game of Thrones: Will House of the Dragon Create a Whole New Set of Stars?

The dragons are coming…back. We have a green light for a GAME OF THRONES successor show… HOUSE OF THE DRAGON is the title and needless to say it will be centered on House Targaryen and based upon Archmaester Gyldayn’s imaginary history FIRE & BLOOD. — George RR Martin (@GRRMspeaking) October 31, 2019 Fans … >

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4 movies that put the spotlight on social anxiety

Image: Pixabay We don’t need to cite studies or statistics to state that anxiety is one of the most concerning mental health conditions that plague modern society, affecting an increasing number of people worldwide. Chances are you know at least one person struggling with this type of disorder or maybe you’re experiencing it yourself. It’s … >

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7 Important Things Newly Independent Filmmakers Need To Know

Becoming a filmmaker is no easy feat – in fact, many have tried and failed at mastering the art of balancing the development of screenplays, setting locations, scenes, finding actors to play the roles, and so on. There are multiple facets that go into making a movie, and many of the important details can be … >

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Title: Best Student Movies on Netflix

Are you a movie fan, but your list of movies has come to an end, and now you have nothing to watch? Hurry up to check the list box of the best student movies on Netflix in different years.   If you have already ordered you assignment from a science homework helper and need a … >

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6 of the finest moments in British TV comedy history

Photo by A Perry on Unsplash Britain might be famous for being a cold, rainy island in the North Atlantic, where the sun often disappears for weeks, but there’s one thing the country does do well — create good comedy. Although the British sense of humour can be eccentric, and maybe conceited sometimes (other nations … >

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Things Narcos Taught Us about Pablo Escobar

  Pablo Escobar was one of the most notorious drug lords in the world and similarly the Netflix series Narcos is one of the greatest crime shows ever. Pablo Escobar rose to become a powerful Colombian mafioso in the 1980s and Narcos is a perfect televised version of his crazy life. Narcos was shot mostly … >

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