‘Smallville’: Season 9 DVD review
All credit to Smallville for making it to a very impressive ninth season. You don’t survive that long in the cruel world of US TV without doing something right.
All credit to Smallville for making it to a very impressive ninth season. You don’t survive that long in the cruel world of US TV without doing something right.
The fifth season of Supernatural continues the show’s vertical ascension to essential viewing, and in turn provides many questions for this autumn’s upcoming sixth season.
Ever wanted to watch Ewan McGregor lip-sync through 1950’s classics over a 6 hour marathon? Well soldier, this is the show for you.
The sixth season of the ever popular US medical procedural drama gets underway with a bang.
In these times of political coalitions, it’s intriguing to watch a unique television experiment which occurred in the late ’90s that has similar themes of co-operation.
Heavily trailed over nearly every World Cup ad-break, ITV1’s six-part drama series Identity starts relatively well and then resembles a lemming hurtling over a cliff.
It is said that the best drama is derived from conflict, either figuratively or literally, and that is certainly the case with HBO’s seminal seven-part series Generation Kill.
A distinct sense of déjà-vu stalks the first season of Syfy’s Warehouse 13.
This latest DVD release from the Doctor Who archives sees Tom Baker’s Doctor arriving on Gallifrey after receiving a vision of the President of the Time Lord’s assassination.
The concept of BBC Three’s Being Human is so zeitgeist that it could have been written on the back of a beer mat in the pub behind BBC’s Broadcasting House.