‘The Tunnel’ Episode 7 review

Is anyone else watching The Tunnel? Or is that slight echo as we’re watching just something wrong with our TV? Never mind, you’re here now and that’s all that matters. And just in time to see the plot move incrementally forward!

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‘Ripper Street’ Series 2 Episode 5: ‘Threads of Silk and Gold’ review

After last week’s disappointing effort, Series 2 of Ripper Street is firmly back on track with a brilliant episode inspired by the very relevant topic of gay rights. With tears, twists and a script frothing with delectable period dialogue, ‘Threads of Silk and Gold’ reminded us that at the heart of this rollicking police procedural is a series invested in the bigger picture.

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‘Yonderland’ Episode 4: ‘The Ultimate Prize’ review

Yonderland is getting increasingly hard to review, because it’s so bloody consistent.

Four episodes in and we know what we’re going to get – inspired silliness, a constant stream of one-liners, great ideas, non-sequiturs, physical comedy and not much in the way of plot arc advancement. It’s very funny. It’s hard to describe an episode without spoiling a few of these, although as there are lots to go round, it’s not the end of the world.

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Day Of The Doctor - The War Doctor

‘Doctor Who’: ‘The Day of the Doctor’ review

So, did you have a good ‘Day’?

Millions of people across the globe just did. In fact, The Doctor probably just made their day. And yours too, in a TV event so big you’d have had to have viewed in from a couch on the Moon to take in the full scope of it.

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‘An Adventure in Space and Time’ review

Change. Regeneration. It’s the very thing that’s kept Doctor Who running for half a century and we take it for granted now. It’s exciting, partly because it’s expected. Doctor, companion, showrunner, whoever. The song ends, but the story goes on (to paraphrase an Ood). And we continue to huddle round the screen like kids in the ‘60s.

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‘Misfits’ Series 5 Episode 5 review

The Internet. The Ol’ Googlebox. The Pornographer’s Lantern. Whatever you call it, we can agree that it is generally pretty neat. It even allowed you to watch this week’s Misfits earlier than usual on 4OD, and that’s no bad thing.

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‘The Tunnel’ Episode 6 review

Ahh the youth of today, with their McBusted and their Snapchat and their big shoes. If they’re not busy FML’ing at everything then they’re being immolated by a pan-national terrorist as part of his fourth ‘truth’. And there’s no one around Instagram it. FML indeed.

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‘Wizards vs Aliens’: ‘The Curse of Crowe’ review

The latest tale from Doctor Who writer Gareth Roberts (‘The Lodger’, ‘The Unicorn and the Wasp’) may feel like a retread for its opening ten minutes or so, as if a reminder to the audience of just what Wizards Vs Aliens is all about, but there’s a treat in store after the familiarity.

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