‘Doctor Who’: The Vampires Of Venice review
Stop whatever you’re doing right now, and listen. Can you hear it? The lull before the oncoming storm. Something is about to happen.
Stop whatever you’re doing right now, and listen. Can you hear it? The lull before the oncoming storm. Something is about to happen.
Frankly, anyone can create an all-powerful monster or villain, one who can’t be killed but kills indiscriminately, one who is big enough and bad enough to be Big Bad enough to be a threat to the entire universe.
So, just four weeks in, and already it feels like there simply isn’t enough time to stuff in all the dangling storylines that have been hinted at.
Now, this is more like it. After a circling of non-plots for Matt Smith’s opening stories, we hit the ground running with a genuinely scary, gorgeous looking, very grown up, and fiendishly clever Doctor Who adventure.
Your number’s up. It seems that these days, full of CCTV, pin numbers, and DNA being kept on file, it’s time for a new Prisoner.
Some Doctor Who fans can be an odd lot. After having been cast in the wilderness for the best part of two decades, you’d think that they’d be happy that their favourite show had returned.
Almost 90 years ago, the BBC started on its mission to educate, inform, and entertain. Apparently, there was another clause to that manifesto, and that was to produce a new cop show at least once every two months.
The first era of the rebooted Who has passed. The sound of drums has ceased to be.
When the follow-up series to Life On Mars first aired, it didn’t really make sense.
Kids lie all the time, don’t they? And one of the best lies put around in recent years is that Skins is a teen drama. It isn’t, of course: it’s far better than that.