‘Doctor Who’ Season 8 recap video
YouTube user VG934 has compiled a brilliant ‘Previously…’ recap of Peter Capaldi’s debut year of Doctor Who ahead of Season 9‘s arrival this autumn. Watch the video…
YouTube user VG934 has compiled a brilliant ‘Previously…’ recap of Peter Capaldi’s debut year of Doctor Who ahead of Season 9‘s arrival this autumn. Watch the video…
This is probably the most adorable thing you’ll see all day – well, unless you’re Game of Thrones star Richard Madden. Doctor Who fan Lindalee Rose discovered that Madden’s girlfriend is none other than Jenna Coleman while conducting interviews at the World Premiere of Disney’s new Cinderella movie in Hollywood. Watch the video…
Doctor Who meets Taken in this brilliant crossover video, with Matt Smith’s Doctor receiving a surprise phone call from Liam Neeson’s retired CIA operative Bryan Mills. Watch the video…
Comedy Central UK has put together a spoof trailer for new Avengers: Age of Ultron featuring EastEnders star Danny Dyer as Spider-Man. Watch the video…
Love is falling from the sky in Funnyhowflowersdothat.co.uk’s new Valentine’s Day film, featuring a real, fully operational drone! Specially developed for Valentine’s Day, Cupidrone soars over the streets in search of lucky couples and lonely singletons who are looking for love, dropping a red rose to its targets in Verona; the home of Romeo and … >
What do you get if you blend all thirteen faces of the Doctor together into a single face? YouTube user Dave Clipson decided to find out – and we can’t be the only ones who think that the average face of the Doctor looks unnervingly like Steven Moffat! Watch the video…
What do you get if you blend all the faces of Master (and Missy) together into a single face? Following his previous video looking at the average face of the Doctor, YouTube user Dave Clipson decided to find out. Watch the video…
Outtakes and behind-the-scenes footage from 1993’s recording of Doctor Who‘s 30th anniversary special, ‘Dimensions in Time’, have been uploaded to YouTube. Watch the video…
YouTube user StickTrickDominoDude has created an incredible tribute to Doctor Who using dominoes. A lot of dominoes. Watch the video…
Doctor Who fan Vernon Bentley proposed to his girlfriend Kelly over Christmas – but with a rather elaborate Whovian twist. Watch the video…