5 reasons why Patrick Troughton’s Doctor should be your favourite

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As a life-long Doctor Who fan, the hardest and most annoying question to answer is, “Who’s your favourite Doctor?”

Here Liam South provides five reasons why the Second Doctor should be your answer…


Patrick Troughton’s physical comedy is joyous and is often employed as a way to advance the scene, not just for a laugh.


Where William Hartnell would demand people’s attention when entering a room, Troughton is far more subtle, opting to quietly survey and examine the scene before intervening.


He is the Doctor that re-appears the most times, in ‘The Three Doctors’, ‘The Five Doctors’ and ‘The Two Doctors’ and in each story interacts with his future selves wonderfully.


Troughton’s face is amazingly expressive, being able to convey several emotions with a single look, thus giving many of his Doctor’s lines a hidden undertone.


His relationship with iconic companion, Jamie, arguably provides the greatest ever Doctor/companion pairing.


Who’s your favourite Doctor? Let us know below…

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