‘Spartacus: War of the Damned’: Top 5 moments

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Even among so many, here are some scenes that really shape the season and exemplify what is so great about the show…

[Spoiler warning!]

1. The Decimation

This scene of truly ugly violence is so disgusting it forces viewers to acknowledge the seriousness of the threat that Crassus poses. If he’s willing to do this to his own men (and his son) to prove a point, it’s clear from that he’ll be even more ruthless when up against his enemies. This is also the moment that defines Tiberius for the rest of the series, shaping him into the soulless little manipulator that he becomes.

2. The Romans storm Sinuessa en Valle

It’s easy to forget now that the series finale has aired, but the heart-pounding concluding scenes of ‘Blood Brothers’ really make it seem that heads are about to roll. With gripping fights and a unforgettable cliffhanger, this is every bit as epic as a season ender and shows just how capable Crassus is at outsmarting Spartacus.

3. The bridge of corpses

Not only is the bridge of frozen bodies one of the most memorable images from the season, it is also an instrumental moment for Spartacus himself, as he uses his tactical skills to escape Crassus at a key moment. It is this decision that also allows Kore to flee, a moment that sets up the demise of Tiberius and seals her own eventual fate.

4. Reciting the names of the fallen

Just a truly wonderful moment after an episode full of impressive displays on the sands of the arena. ‘The Dead and the Dying’ closes with a nostalgic remembrance of all those that have died at the hands of Rome, providing both a fitting tribute to Crixus and to the many characters that had died before him.

5. The death of Spartacus

So much that happens in the series finale, ‘Victory’, is so epic that multiple scenes would qualify among the show’s greatest moments. Liam McIntyre really excels himself in all his moments here and he does such a terrific job in the most emotional one. Spartacus’s final farewell is both hopeful and tragic, making it an ideal way to end things.

What was your favourite moment? Let us know below…

> Buy the Spartacus: War of the Damned boxset on Amazon.

> Buy Spartacus: Vengeance on DVD on Amazon.

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