Top 10 Bond girl names

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With the upcoming 23rd James Bond movie Skyfall partnering 007 with the disappointingly-monikered Eve and Severine, we look back at some classic Bond girl names…


#10: Honey Ryder (Dr. No)
Played by Ursula Andress

Honey Ryder: ‘Are you looking for shells too?’
James Bond: ‘No, I’m just looking.’


#9: Dr. Molly Warmflash (The World Is Not Enough)
Played by Serena Scott Thomas

James Bond: ‘Molly, I need a clean bill of health, you have to clear me for duty.’
Dr. Molly Warmflash: [starts kissing] ‘You’d have to promise to call me… this time.’
James Bond: ‘Whatever the doctor orders.’


#8: Mayday (A View To A Kill)
Played by Grace Jones

May Day: ‘Wow! What a view…’
Max Zorin: ‘To a KILL!’


#7: Dr. Christmas Jones (The World Is Not Enough)
Played by Denise Richards

James Bond: [in bed with Jones] ‘I was wrong about you.’
Dr. Christmas Jones: ‘Yeah, how so?’
James Bond: ‘I thought Christmas only comes once a year.’


#6: Octopussy (Octopussy)
Played by Maud Adams

James Bond: [looking at the tattoo on Magda’s back] ‘What is that?’
Magda: ‘That’s my little octopussy.


#5: Mary Goodnight (The Man With The Golden Gun)
Played by Britt Ekland

M: [over the phone] ‘Bond? Bond, are you there? Goodnight?’
James Bond: ‘She’s just coming, sir.’
M: ‘Goodnight? Goodnight? Goodnight!’
James Bond: ‘Good night, sir.’


#4: Plenty O’Toole (Diamonds Are Forever)
Played by Lana Wood

Plenty O’Toole: ‘Hi, I’m Plenty.’
James Bond: ‘But of course you are.’
Plenty O’Toole: ‘Plenty O’Toole.’
James Bond: ‘Named after your father perhaps?’


#3: Xenia Ontatopp (GoldenEye)
Played by Famke Janssen

Miss Moneypenny: ‘M authorizes you to observe Miss Onatopp but stipulates no contact without prior approval. Good night, James. I trust you’ll stay… Onatopp of things?’


#2: Dr. Holly Goodhead (Moonraker)
Played by Lois Chiles

Dr. Holly Goodhead: ‘James?’
James Bond: ‘I think it may be time to go home.’
Dr. Holly Goodhead: ‘Take me ’round the world one more time.’


#1: Pussy Galore (Goldfinger)
Played by Honor Blackman

Pussy Galore: ‘My name is Pussy Galore.’
James Bond: ‘I must be dreaming.’


Who’s your favourite Bond girl? Let us know below…