Roy Cropper: Soap’s unlikeliest sex symbol?

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Here are five reasons why…

He’s a successful businessman

For years, Roy’s Rolls has been packed with customers and he’s not had many complaints yet. This means that he’s always got a bit of money in the bank!

Roy the style icon


Looking at him, you might not get it straight away, but Roy dresses how he likes, which in a way is pretty cool! You could say that Roy actually transcends fashion.

Roy the romantic

Sadly, there are those among us who baulk at the prospect of being in a relationship with someone who’s undergone a sex change, but Roy’s more progressive than most. His long-term relationship with Hayley, which ended recently, shows that he’s a sensitive and caring soul.

He’s adventurous

On the surface, he might seem like the cautious type, but Roy’s willing to go to great lengths to fulfil his dreams. To try to find Hayley, he went all the way to Amsterdam in order to rekindle their love, while he’s also engaged in a little card counting!

Roy the lad

When he’s not serving bacon butties to the factory workers and builders of Weatherfield, Roy likes to take to Twitter and share his thoughts with the wider world. Even he’s not beyond a dirty joke or two!

If you wish you were more like Roy, or want to see if he’s a match for you, maybe you could give the Ladbrokes bingo soap star quiz a try. You might surprise yourself and find that you’re just like him!