Best Shows to Watch on Streaming Platforms

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There are so many great shows out there – hundreds if we must be honest, but finding the ones that will appeal to you can be a challenge. It’s a bit like finding the best bingo bonus. Thankfully, websites such as will offer a quick solution to this by bringing you the most worthwhile bonuses you can explore.

But back to streaming platforms and the shows they offer, it’s never an easy choice – so much to see, but so little time to see it all! As Tony Sloterman, product owner at Bingo Bonuses Finder says, you should just ask yourself what it is you want and do that. Well, picking streaming shows is just the same!

#1 The Boys

The Boys’ latest season continues to unfold the world which is a heroic dystopia. In it, the superheroes are actually emotionally unbalanced and they use their ultimate power to enslave mankind through PR stunts. Much of this is to blame on the corporation that raised them, but yes – if you are keen to see a completely different spin on the traditional heroic experience, The Boys is the show you will want to see!

#2 The Mandalorian & Obi-Wan

Disney+ may not have started like much but the arrival of two fantastic TV shows set in the Star Wars universe really upset the balance (in the force). Both shows are fantastically-shot with rich narratives and storylines, likable characters, and great perks to fans of the franchise. But even if you don’t love Star Wars or have never seen it, these TV shows make great excellent standalone series that are contained in themselves and will make you keen to explore some of the backstories – and boy, what a backstory it is!

#3 The Witcher

The Witcher is one of the best new fantasy shows to watch and as such, you will definitely want to dive into this world. Whether you are a fan of the books, the video game or just love the premise of the show, Netflix has not disappointed in this TV series which is now being shot for its third season. You will definitely appreciate the level of cinematography and acting that has gone to make this show a true landmark of modern cinema.

#4 Stranger Things

Stranger Things started a little hesitantly. The plot was patched with holes and not much-made sense. But then, the seasons kept trickling in and the Duffer Brothers finally revealed the deeper design of the show which was well worth the wait. After all this time and four seasons in, you can definitely say that Stranger Things is something worth seeing. Definitely, a great show to see if you like the 70s and 80s and love Dungeon & Dragons, or want to find out more.

#5 The Umbrella Academy

Similar to Stranger Things, this show is cleverly designed, and to appreciate it to its fullest you need to ride out the plot holes which become explained later in the storyline. It’s definitely worth the watch and with Season 3 now officially out and streaming, you are definitely looking at a show that is an absolute delight and that will make it tons of fun for you to experience something truly amazing. We welcome you to add The Umbrella Academy to your watch list and enjoy it!