How to Be Like Ryan Reynolds

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With over three decades of career on-screen, Ryan Reynolds is easily one of the most famous and loved actors. The job Ryan has built up over the years shines brightly along with his impressive physique and stylish looks, and wardrobe he maintained on-screen and offscreen.

Over the years, Ryan has developed a more muscular physique from his debut over three decades ago. So, how does he do it? Several lifestyle choices, exercise regimes, and wardrobe choices he has made over the years have complimented his overall looks and build. In this article, we will look closely at each aspect of Ryan’s “coolness” and decode how to be more like him and dress like him.

How to Look like Ryan Reynolds

Ryan “The Deadpool” Reynolds has stayed a mainstream success with many box office hits such as Deadpool, X-men Origins: Wolverine, Free Guy, etc. Ryan has a sophistication seldom matched by others in the industry. His looks have evolved along with his career and include the personalization he has brought to his looks and outfits he is seen in public.

There are several aspects to pulling off a Ryan Reynolds’ look, from his looks, outfits to his diet and workout routine that he has perfected over his lifetime. We will look into each one of them in-depth and share insights on looking like Ryan Reynolds.


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Looks and Hairstyle

The one thing constant about Ryan over his three decades of on-screen presence is his signature standard haircut that is timeless and retro at the same time. The short hairstyle with even shorter sides and a longer top with a good finish is maintenance and practical. It doesn’t require much product but will look good if pushed back to create a puffing effect.

Now, to the iconic Ryan Reynolds beard. Much like his hair, his beard has stayed relatively the same over the years. Apart from being low maintenance, Ryan’s beard is somewhere between a beard and a stubble. The stubble can be about 7-10 mm and exfoliated at regular intervals for better results.

This can be easily achieved using your trimmer once a week.


We can’t talk about the long-lasting love interest of Ryan Reynolds and cardigans while talking about his outfits. Ryan has been known for his outfits. He can pull off classy and casual with ease. Considered as his signature outfit, Ryan loves cardigans and wears them frequently for formal occasions.

It can pass off as a suitable alternative to three-piece suits and have the advantage of losing the waistcoat. Ryan has perfected his cardigan look with the help of V-necked cardigans and has stayed away from heavy materials.

Ryan, from time to time, also experiments with suits. He always goes for well-fitting, sharp suits that complement his skin tone, making him stand out amongst others.

What makes Ryan different from others is his ability to bring a certain sophistication to even simple outfits. Be it a simple T-shirt, or a jacket, he adds something of his own and makes it iconic. Reynolds is known for the pocket square added to his charcoal suit that, to this day, remains one of his best looks.


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Training Regime

Let’s face it. It’s hard to pull off a “Ryan Reynolds” signature look without the physique and well-chiseled body of Ryan Reynolds. Having a muscular body like Reynolds isn’t easy. He is maintaining and even developing his form even at the age of 44 is even more challenging.

Handy for superhero and action movies, he has bulked up quite a bit from his debut at 17 and seems to be at his best at 44. Owing to his fantastic trainer and Ryan’s awe-inspiring work ethic, Ryan hits the gym frequently to maintain his body.

In his notable achievements, Ryan gained over 11 kg of muscle in a brief period of 3 months. Unlike in his prime, Ryan doesn’t go all in during every session. According to Dr Workout, the Deadpool actor spends about 15 minutes before working out for the body to move and stretch.

To get a physique like Ryan Reynolds’, spending every waking hour in the gym isn’t necessary. It should suffice if you spend some time in the gym, but consistently. It is a known fact that in the long term, consistency beats intensity by a mile.

The Diet of Ryan Reynolds

Unlike many others in the Hollywood industry, Ryan Reynolds doesn’t have much of a restriction when it comes to what he eats. Ryan does avoid junk food and eats about six meals a day, one every 2-3 hours. But, this is mainly owed to the fantastic body he maintains for his action-packed movie schedules.

He takes it easy when it concerns food and often eats what he wants. Apart from the requirement of protein in his diet, he is pretty non-concerned about his diet. It is noteworthy that Ryan included carbs in his diet recently with his newfound favorite food, the sweet potato.

The change in diet has been visible in his physique. From the shooting of “The Green Lantern,” Ryan has come a long way in developing his body.


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Final Thoughts

Ryan Reynolds is a leading actor in the Hollywood industry, and it’s like that for a reason. From his debut, he has maintained a certain level of standard in his looks and physique. He has trained intensely in his prime and spent hours in the gym to have one of the most impressive physiques in the field. It is possible that we can’t get to his level by blindly following his training routine and outfits.

It would help if you did your due diligence to adapt each style and life choice to suit your financial and physical condition. Take good care of your body and find out what looks best on you. Don’t forget there is something unique in you, and try to bring it out in your attitude and physique.