How to Tell an Online Casino Review Can be Trusted?

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I am sure you have spent a lot of time scrolling through reviews of online gambling sites, trying to distinguish the winners from the duds. Trust me, I have, too.


Initially, I found it difficult to distinguish good reviews from bad ones. I remember this one time I got swayed by a super-flashy review, only to realise that the payout was slow.


While I do think that reviews are very helpful, it is essential to know when they are genuine and when they are fake. I always ask three questions before I deem a review trustworthy:


  • What is the source of the review?
  • What is the content of the review saying?
  • Is the reviewer credible?

Understanding the source of the review

I have learned the hard way that not all sites are equally trustworthy when it comes to reviews of online gambling websites. I have learned to look for places that aren’t just about plastering ads everywhere. A good review site, in my opinion, has reviews written by professionals, mentions who is running the show and is not shy about putting out their contact info, either.

Analysing the content of the review

When I read a review, I look at the depth of the content. A one- or two-liner review saying, “Hey, the place is great” is not worth considering, in my opinion. I like reviews that go into the details—the kind of games they have, the gameplay experience, their regulatory compliance and how the customer service stacks up.


If a review skips over the tough stuff and sounds too good to be true, it is an immediate red flag for me. I have dodged a few bullets using this strategy, and you can too.

Here are some tell-tale signs of a fake review:


  • Over-the-top language: Whenever a reviewer uses superlatives (good or bad) in their review, they lose credibility in my eyes. The most helpful reviews I have read have always taken a balanced approach. I strongly recommend that you look for reviews that mention the good and the bad before making your decision.
  • Run-of-the-mill content: I see many reviews that talk a lot but have no substance. If there is no specific information about the games, gameplay, or services, I am out; that’s a clear sign that the review is fake.
  • A pattern in multiple reviews: If I see a pattern emerging in multiple reviews, I stay the heck away. I strongly advise you to stay away if you see numerous reviews posted around the same time with similar wording.
  • Reviewer identity: I never trust a review posted using an account with little or no activity. If the reviewer posts only positive things about the establishment and negative ones about the competitors, I say stay away from them.

Practical steps to take before trusting a review

When I read reviews, I have a go-to checklist that keeps me from falling for fake reviews. Here is how I do my due diligence:

Comparison shop

I never settle on the first review I read. I scout around, checking for multiple sources to see whether there is a consensus forming about the establishment. If the majority of the reviews are saying the same thing, that means I am onto something good.

Stay updated

I have realised that the online casino world moves fast, and what was said yesterday might not be true today. Rather than relying on a review that was written a long time ago, I trust the latest review. I have seen some game sites take player criticisms and turn around the operation within a few short months. So, stay in the know and stay updated.

Forum dive

In my opinion, there is no substitute for raw, unfiltered views that can only be found on forums. I see the gaming community as a goldmine for information, where real players talk about their opinions—both good and bad. I also like the anonymity of forums, which give real players an opportunity to talk their hearts out.

Listen to the buzz

Keeping my ear to the ground helps me catch the vibe of what’s going on in the industry. I especially look out for news about the platforms I want to explore in forums and review websites. A while back, I noticed a flurry of negative chatter in forums about a site I was interested in. It turns out they messed up big time over licence issues. I dodged that bullet just because I was alert.


So, here is the deal. If there is one thing I can tell you from my opinion, it is this- never take a review at face value. Always do your research, weed out the fake reviews from genuine ones and make your online adventures a whole lot smoother!