Ranked: Top All-Time Poker Movies to Add to Your Watchlist

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Almost everything imaginable—and unimaginable—can be made into a film. Poker couldn’t be an exception with all of the glamors it has garnered from the mainstream media. But have you ever wondered which poker movies are worth watching? Or are you looking for a list of movies to watch in a row?

Everyone gambler would love to make it big in the game, and watching a film done by pros is a great way to do it. There are many great games to play, as seen on the bet online poker review, so it would help if you checked out to find a suitable game for you.

There are plenty of poker films to pick from, but we’ll show you the ones you should watch at least once. You’ve probably watched most of them, but we guarantee you’ll be in for a treat if you add all of them to your “Watch Later” list!

Rounders – 1998

The plot revolves around Mike McDermott (played by Matt Damon), a rehabilitated gambler. He’s returned to the table because a buddy has requested his help in repaying a loan shark. Nothing could keep him from becoming the finest poker player in the world after that.

No, Rounders isn’t excellent because Matt Damon was in the early stages of his career. It’s the finest poker movie because it doesn’t waste time explaining what poker is to the audience. The narration was so fluid that it didn’t even pause to clarify what was happening at the table. All that counts in this film is that Mike McDermott wants to be the best.

Maverick – 1994

Maverick was a theatrical adaption of a 1950s television program about 5 Card Draw competitions. It chronicles a con artist’s effort to gather enough money to enter a high-stakes 5-Card Draw event. The film depicts betrayal after betrayal and all a guy would do for a chance at the poker tables.

This film is high on our list because it transports you to a time when there were no Hold’em tournaments. It’s a classic demonstrating the excitement of an old poker variant we still play today. Another reason is that it takes a realistic approach to a player’s life, which is still applicable today.

Luna’s Game – 2001

Luna’s Game is a movie that depicts the life of a professional poker player before poker was hip. It also discusses whether nature or nurture determines a great poker player.

Luna’s father was a professional poker player killed by a loan shark. Despite her unpleasant experience with poker, she was drawn in since it runs in her family. Will she meet the same end as her father?

Molly’s Game – 2017

Molly’s Game is a new addition to this list, but it has acquired popularity due to the life lesson that it conveys throughout the film. The plot follows Molly Bloom, a real-life aspiring Olympic skier who has experienced the ups and downs of life. She eventually realized how much money she would make by hosting high-stakes poker tournaments.

All In: The Poker Movie – 2009

Douglas Tirola’s documentary All In: The Poker Movie is appropriately themed. It differs from the previous films on this list in that it examines the reasons that contributed to the popularity of poker. It also explains why many people regard it as one of the ideal methods to pursue the American Dream.