Streaming Wars And Coping With The Eventual Burn Out

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There’s always something new coming up in the streaming world. Be it new shows, exciting content, boring series, reruns, specials, and sometimes a whole new streaming service in itself, and that’s when you need platforms like to keep you sane and updated with the latest offers.

Adding to the ever-growing roster of streaming services is the newcomer, Peacock, a brand new streaming service from NBC. Except it doesn’t come as a surprise but as an expected venture when most media houses are trying to win the digital streaming wars.

At this point, it does get difficult to keep up with all the services, their subscription plans, shows, new releases, and whatnot. Even a serial binge-watcher can get exhausted with the huge amount of choices and the dilemma of keeping some subscriptions alive and leaving out the other few.

What started as exciting and a novel way to enjoy favorite TV shows and movies has indeed become an exhausting and expensive affair to keep up with. Once there was Netflix and Hulu and now, there are Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Apple TV, Disney+, HBO Max, Quibli, and Peacock. Who knows when the next big media house decides to drop just another new streaming service?

Most streaming services start with their exclusive shows, popular show reruns, and then start creating more original content to keep attracting viewers. And this calls for a lot of marketing efforts and which you will have to put up with.

It should not be stressful in selecting and keeping up with streaming services you use to unwind and de-stress yourself. This sense of exhaustion does no good for anybody. So, let us give you some good ways to cope up with the possible burn out and just relaxing entertainment.

Set A Limit To Your Choices

We know it can be difficult to be up to date on every new release and every trending show that comes out every other season. Let’s accept the fact that there will always be good shows that you are bound to miss out on.

As a normal functioning human, you need time to work, sleep, and have certain stuff to do. Trying to watch everything published over these platforms is near to impossible. Just accept it. You may be late to watch some. You may miss out on some great shows. But it is okay.

Subscribe And Unsubscribe As It Suits You

Remember, subscription to these services is always under your control. While most services nudge you to take up a 1-year contract, it is not always mandatory and shouldn’t have to be.

A good way to know what you need to subscribe to and unsubscribe is to conduct your little monthly audits. If you subscribed to service just for one particular show, you can unsubscribe once the show is over. You don’t have to pay anything extra. It may be a hassle to keep unsubscribing and re-subscribing but it is worth the money.

You can’t keep paying for all services you don’t use. Prioritize and subscribe only to those you want to.

Calculate The Annual Subscription Costs

Monthly subscriptions may sound economical but if you were to use them for a longer period, opting for annual contracts could prove to be cheaper. Always calculate the possible annual charges by multiplying the monthly fees by 12 before supplying your credit card information.

Renewals can happen automatically, so keep an eye on how much you spend on service and check whether you can get it for a lower price if you opt for a quarterly or annual plan.