Would Now be the Perfect Time to Resurrect Deal or No Deal?

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Deal or No Deal was a staple of British television for just over 11 years, and there were more than 3000 episodes of the box opening series hosted by Noel Edmonds. Many were shocked and heartbroken when it finally finished airing in 2016, as it had seemed like one of those shows that would always be around.

The reaction to Deal or No Deal’s cancellation was similar to when Who Wants to be a Millionaire was axed in 2014. That series made a grand comeback in 2018 and has a new lease of life with Jeremy Clarkson as its host. The same thing could potentially happen with Deal or No Deal, and the state of mainstream culture suggests that now would be the perfect time to bring it back.

Deal or No Deal’s Themes Will Still Appeal to Modern Audiences

Deal or No Deal followed such a simple format in which players simply had to eliminate boxes that held diverse monetary amounts. They’d then get offers from the banker and had the option to accept or reject them. It was accessible to many because it didn’t take long to understand the rules, and the randomness of it led to some entertaining scenarios.

The Channel 4 gameshow could have been such a hit because of the way numbers were engrained in its set-up. Some of the world’s most popular pastimes also have numbers at their core, with the National Lottery being a prime example. Over 70 per cent of people in the UK play the lucky ball draw. In addition, many are also drawn to free bingo games online that follow a similar structure. With competitive promotions like free gaming and other features such as ‘live’ sessions, complete with interactive chat rooms, digitally reinvented classics like bingo have positively thrived in the modern era. For example, 90-ball bingo has boomed in popularity over the last few years thanks to the internet marketing it well, mainstream smartphone adoption and the ability to access games on the go. Indeed, it’s the multitude of fans that play this that may be drawn to watching shows like Deal or No Deal.

Deal or No Deal Could Follow in the Footsteps of Who Wants to be a Millionaire

There’s no doubt that the producers of Deal or No Deal will have watched the successful reboot of Who Wants to be a Millionaire enviously. This may have led them to consider doing something similar. Since the ITV show has been back on screens, it has enjoyed great success and has even been able to allure new viewers who had never seen it before.

Part of the popularity of Who Wants to be a Millionaire is thanks to Clarkson hosting it. The legendary car enthusiast has so many fans thanks to his work on Top Gear, the Grand Tour, and most recently, Clarkson’s Farm. He has some serious pulling power, and it will be interesting to see how long he fronts the show. Edmonds was an iconic host for Deal or No Deal, and it’s hard to imagine someone else presenting it. However, a reboot could opt for a new face to freshen things up and copy the ITV show.

Deal or No Deal was such an important part of British culture, and it feels like something’s missing from the television schedule without it. Now would be a great time for a revival, and it’s something that could potentially happen.