Karen Gillan (‘Doctor Who’: Series 6 Part 2) interview

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Doctor Who returns to BBC One for the second half of Series 6 with ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’ at 7.10pm on Satuday 27th August, starring Karen Gillan as Amy Pond.

Recently married and now a new mum, a lot has happened in Amy Pond’s world since she joined the Doctor in the TARDIS. However, there is no respite in sight for the feisty redhead as she undertakes a desperate search for Melody Pond and the Doctor’s death edges ever closer. Here, actress Karen Gillan reveals what viewers have to look forward to…

How does Amy feel about the Doctor’s impending death?

“I don’t think she’s willing to accept that’s he’s going to die. Amy has such a connection with the Doctor that goes right back to her childhood, so she’s definitely not going to stand by and let him be killed without a fight.

“She’s also trying to come to terms with the fact that River Song is her daughter. It’s an interesting idea because Amy’s maternal instincts are kicking in to play with a woman who is actually older than her! However, it’s been brilliant exploring this new relationship dynamic with Alex Kingston who plays River Song. I also think the situation has pulled Amy and Rory closer together; they seem to have a stronger connection now.”

What can you reveal about the monsters that are coming up?

“The dolls in ‘Night Terrors’ are extremely freaky! They are really disturbing, especially when they were walking around on set! We’ve also got a monster called the Teselecta in ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’ which goes back in time to try and right the wrongs of the past.”

What was it like filming with comedy actor David Walliams?

“I’ve only ever met David when he’s been dressed as a mole. He was always on set an hour before me because he had to have prosthetics put on and to this day I’ve never met David looking like David! He was an absolute hoot though. He was extremely witty and, to be honest, I’m a bit nervous about meeting him when he’s not in his mole get up!”

You also found yourself sat in the make-up prosthetics chair…

“In ‘The Girl Who Waited’ I had to spend hours in make-up because I play an older version of Amy. I can’t give too much away but it was great fun – despite the early starts each day! I also got to film an amazing fight sequence for the episode. I had two weapons and had to take on six Handbots. I worked with a stunt co-ordinator who choreographed the scene and I had to do it in one fluid movement. It was actually quite difficult and I take my hat off to people who do that for a living.

“I’ve proven I can handle complex choreography so I think it’s about time Matt shows us what he can do. Perhaps Mr Moffat can write a tricky sequence for him in the next series and then we’ll see how co-ordinated he is!”

> Order the Series 6 Part 2 DVD on Amazon.

> Order the Series 6 Part 2 Blu-ray on Amazon.

Watch the Series 6 Part 2 trailer…