Sponsored video: Chevrolet Volt ‘Range Anxiety’ films

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Chevrolet Volt’s awesome new ‘Range Anxiety’ films were created as part of the MOFILM Barcelona film competition, which inspires film-makers to create videos for big brands and social causes.

Offering millions of dollars in prizes to filmmakers, along with the opportunity to travel to amazing destinations around the world – from the likes of Rio to Lollapalooza, Taj Mahal to Las Vegas – MOFILM runs multiple major video competitions each year.

Driving between 40 and 80 kilometers (MVEG) on electricity stored in a 16-kWh, lithium-ion battery, the Chevrolet Volt emits zero CO2. Charging the battery fully within four hours simply by plugging into a standard 230-V household outlet, the Volt has an amazing extended range of more than 500 kilometers.

What do you think of the films? Let us know below…