Lazy Susan finishes filming

Lazy Susan finishes location filming

Following its debut as a Comedy Short in 2020, the eagerly awaited series of critically-lauded BBC comedy sketch show Lazy SusanĀ is set to premiere on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer in 2022 From the minds of writer-performer Edinburgh Comedy Award nominees Freya Parker (The Mash Report) and Celeste Dring (This Country), Lazy Susan is described … >

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Museum of Curiosity Holly Walsh

Museum of Curiosity appoints Holly Walsh

Writer and comedian Holly Walsh will join co-host John Lloyd for a new series of The Museum Of Curiosity beginning Monday 18 October on Radio 4 and BBC Sounds Holly and John will preside over a fresh haul of exhibits submitted from an array of guests including comedians Daliso Chaponda, Evelyn Mok, Catherine Bohart, Rosie … >

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