Channel 4’s cyber-thriller The Undeclared War returns for series 2

Simon Pegg and Hannah Khalique-Brown return for series 2 of the cyber-thriller.  Channel 4 has announced a second series of The Undeclared War. The new six-part run of the cyber-thriller comes from writer Colin Teevan (Das Boot), with Paul McGuigan (Inside Man) directing. Series 1 was presaged with a chilling faux-Prime Ministerial broadcast, so look out for … >

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Wolf Hall:The Mirror and the Light - Thomas Cromwell (Mark Rylance) and King Henry VIII (Damian Lewis)

Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light – trailer and start date

Somehow, it’s been nine years since the first series of the remarkable Wolf Hall.  Based on Hilary Mantel’s books, the BAFTA and Golden Globe award-winning series chronicled the life of Thomas Cromwell. Henry VIII’s political fixer was played compellingly by Mark Rylance, with the King himself brought to life by Damian Lewis. However, the first … >

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The Undeclared War

The Undeclared War – more details and a start date

Now we’ve recovered from that “emergency broadcast”, which introduced us to the threat of The Undeclared War (with a side-order of Prime Ministerial wish fulfilment), we’ve been able to find out a few more details about Channel 4’s upcoming thriller. First up, we have a quote from series creator Peter Kosminsky on what the show … >

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