‘Skins’ star: ‘I want Grace and Rich to be a steady couple’
Skins actress Jessica Sula, who plays Grace in the E4 show, has revealed her hopes for the show’s sixth series, which starts filming this summer.
Skins actress Jessica Sula, who plays Grace in the E4 show, has revealed her hopes for the show’s sixth series, which starts filming this summer.
Skins actress Jessica Sula, who plays Grace in the E4 show, has hinted that the revelation in tonight’s episode that a familiar Skins character is in fact Grace’s father shows “why she goes out to wild parties”.
Skins actress Jessica Sula, who plays Grace in the E4 show, has revealed that she based her portayal of the character on Breakfast At Tiffany’s star Audrey Hepburn.
This week’s episode of Skins focuses on Grace, as she tries to pass her drama exam. With her relationship in turmoil and the whole gang at odds in her production of Twelfth Night, it’s not looking likely. We caught up with actress Jessica Sula to find out more.
Skins returns to E4 for a fifth series in January, following a brand new set of Bristol teenagers, including Jessica Sula as Grace Violet.