‘Have you seen Bungle’s twanger?’

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Back in the 1970s and 1980s, the relationship between the BBC and ITV was a friendly rivalry rather than a bloody war of attrition for ratings. Each Christmas, the teams at each channel would exchange tapes of outtakes and rude spoofs that were never intended for general viewing… just because it was a nice thing to do.

Fast forward a couple of decades and thanks to the internet, the privacy of such things had been eroded as quickly as the amicable coexistence between the Beeb and the independent network. Video sites were rife with clips that had never been aired in public before – including this all-time classic piece of pisstakery.

With faces so straight they were probably checked with a spirit level before recording, the Rainbow team discuss Bungle’s twanger, George’s balls and Zippy’s big red one.