Articles by:

David Somerset

Film Research Paper Topics: Ideas and Tips

Writing an article on film-related disciplines is not an easy task. There are too many things that you should consider and focus on. One such challenge is coming up with decent research paper topics. How to choose the film that deserves your attention? What perspective to take while exploring this motion picture? And how to … >

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Of Lost Time Publishes One of Princess Diana’s Letters of Note

To mark the 25th anniversary of Princess Diana’s passing, Of Lost Time has explored the positive change that she led during her life on its website. The literary unit of Future Science Group publishes letters from across history that readers may otherwise never get to see. In its exploration of Princess Diana’s humanitarian efforts, Of … >

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Vaping is a Health-Conscious Choice for Cigarette Smokers

While vaping isn’t risk free, many studies have concluded that vaping has fewer health risks associated than smoking cigarettes. Smoking is addictive. Many smokers, after recognizing the harmful long-term and short-term effects, often attempt quitting. However, trying to stop smoking in the traditional way often leads to a vicious cycle of withdrawal, further cravings, and … >

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Jurassic Park: Where are the Actors Now?

  It may seem like yesterday for fans of Jurassic Park but the original release of the movie was back in 1993. The science fiction action film was directed by Steven Spielberg and is based on the 1990 novel of the same name by Michael Crichton. Set on the fictional island of Isla Nublar, Jurassic … >

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Types of Insurance and Whether You Need to Get Them in the UK

The UK’s insurance industry is the largest in Europe and the fourth largest in the world, managing investments of over £1.8 trillion. There are dozens of types of insurance available in the UK. Some insurance is compulsory, or as close to it as you can get, while other types are entirely optionally. Essentially, it is … >

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The Best Sports Documentaries On The BBC

When people aren’t watching live sports, they’re often watching or listening to other forms of sports content, one being documentaries. While sports documentaries have been popular for a while, there has been a resurgence in the last few years, and the BBC has managed to produce some fantastic watches that come highly recommended. Liverpool FC: … >

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Why Will Casinos With a Minimum Deposit Gain Popularity In 2023?

Many individuals would want to play at the lowest deposit casinos but lack the necessary funds to do so. The required payments are just too large for many potential customers. Nevertheless, a 1 dollar deposit casino can’t be turned off, right? So, let’s see why they will become popular in 2023. What Are The Main … >

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Revisiting Rain Man a 1988 Casino Comedy Classic

While Rain Man was a box office success and went on to win several Academy Awards, it’s not necessarily a movie that’s held up over time. The humor is dated, the story feels a bit slow, and some of the acting is pretty bad. That being said, there are still some things to like about … >

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