Articles by:

David Somerset

Everything to Know About Casino Cheating: Cheat with a Treat!

Casinos are where lots of money can be found, aside from banks, of course. Some people go to casinos to play and have fun, while others are in for something more sinister — cheating inside casinos. One good example of this is how a poker champion arguably won millions of dollars in a casino. Only … >

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5 Things to Consider When Designing Perfume Packaging

Being a competitor in the world of perfumes, body sprays and colognes takes a lot of hard work. With all of the competition in this industry, attracting the attention of the consumer can be more difficult than you think. The main thing a consumer will notice about your product is the packaging that it is … >

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3 Failed US Remakes of British Television Shows

Adapting a format to a different audience is not an easy task. The expectations differ, the humour differs, and what may work in one country is unlikely to translate well in another. The same is true for many things today, from new casinos to new foods and beverages, clothes, and especially TV shows. One area … >

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3 Series To Binge Again And Again

Binge watching television may not be the healthiest hobby. It keeps you indoors, it takes away precious reading time, and will turn your eyes into squares. However, we’re in the golden age of television, and the medium has content that is totally worth it. With series that surpass many books in terms of depth, character … >

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How do I know if an Online Casino is Safe

The most important thing when it comes to online gambling is to be safe and place your hard earned money in a secure place. Also, playing on a trustworthy and regulated platform allows gamblers from all around the world to be relaxed and confident while gambling. First of all, find a casino that is licensed. … >

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Top 10 Ideas for Your Bucket List

A bucket list is a list which has all that you intend to have, be, do and experience before you die. This list ensures that you live a life that is successful and fun. Examples of bucket list ideas 1. Be in a flashmob A flashmob is a team of individuals who come together abruptly … >

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How is gambling represented in our favourite TV shows?

When it comes to gambling and the lifestyle we associate with the activity, most of us will think of the bright lights of the Las Vegas strip, glamorous outfits and mountains of poker chips. But is the reality really quite so flashy? Can we truly rely on TV representations of gambling when it comes to … >

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If Casino Movies Could Get an Oscar Category: Memorable Gamblers On the Silver Screen

Dizzying swings and high stakes, gripping tension and smart-arse lines. Hollywood always nurtured a healthy obsession with the world of vice- particularly, gambling- and glorified the archetypal gambler. A floury of iconic characters landed a seat in legend, from the high-rollers in Casino to the sharkish thick-accented Malkovich in Rounders and the card magicians in … >

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