‘Skins’: Series 6 Episode 2 review
Rich’s centric episode sees Grace waking up after the dramatic car crash in Morocco, but before Rich can snatch her up for himself, she is moved to a clinic in Switzerland.
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Rich’s centric episode sees Grace waking up after the dramatic car crash in Morocco, but before Rich can snatch her up for himself, she is moved to a clinic in Switzerland.
Series 6 of Skins continues next week and Professor David Blood has banned Rich from visiting Grace in hospital.
Skins‘ third generation return in truly rebellious style with a drug-fuelled summer holiday to Morocco.
Series 6 of Skins kicks off on E4 next week with the gang burning their way through a holiday in Morocco. Here are some teasing lines of dialogue from the episode.
Finally we have got to know our third generation of f**ked-up anti-heroes and it’s actually been a fairly fascinating journey.
Despite giving the initial impression of being a few mood swings away from the original gang’s Cassie, Grace Violet has firmly secured her position as one of the fans’ favourites from this year’s new Skins generation.
“I don’t care if they’re one-legged dead hermaphrodites – I need sex, soon!” From the off, we always saw Alo as the subtle one: calm, respectable and mature… Yeah, right.
Like Cook and Tony before him, each Skins generation’s alpha male character has always had a darker, more vulnerable side, but the first 15 minutes of Nick’s centric episode suggest a character to whom keeping up appearances matters above all else.
The character of Liv had been a bit of a mystery up until last week, when we saw a glimpse of this promiscuous easy going girl who would claim to have morals but was alien to the concept of self control.
Episode 3 of the gradually improving fifth series sees Skins take a massive and unexpected leap from good to great, revolving around tall, slim, blonde bimbo Mini, the Generation 3 cast’s token bitch.