‘Identity’: Series 1 DVD review
Heavily trailed over nearly every World Cup ad-break, ITV1’s six-part drama series Identity starts relatively well and then resembles a lemming hurtling over a cliff.
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Heavily trailed over nearly every World Cup ad-break, ITV1’s six-part drama series Identity starts relatively well and then resembles a lemming hurtling over a cliff.
It is said that the best drama is derived from conflict, either figuratively or literally, and that is certainly the case with HBO’s seminal seven-part series Generation Kill.
A distinct sense of déjà-vu stalks the first season of Syfy’s Warehouse 13.
It’s surprising that, in the wake of The Mighty Boosh, there haven’t been more pretenders to the comedy crown of Mssrs Barratt and Fielding. Dave’s exclusive new show Zimbani tries, but epically fails.
The concept of BBC Three’s Being Human is so zeitgeist that it could have been written on the back of a beer mat in the pub behind BBC’s Broadcasting House.
Despite some effective moments of tension, BBC One’s recent The Day of the Triffids adaptation is ultimately let down by a poor script, sloppy pacing and disjointed story-telling.
Pretender to the crown of Doctor Who and infinitely better than its ITV1 stable-mate Demons, Primeval is an entertaining Saturday night bit of fluff that fortunately doesn’t take itself entirely seriously.
Don’t let anyone tell you that the BBC’s 2005 reinvention of Doctor Who was anything other than a major surprise.
The redoubtable Peter Falk brought the world of television detectives to new heights as the raincoat clad, scruffy cigar chewing gumshoe Columbo in a series that spanned across four decades.
The third season of Prison Break is a severely truncated affair, having run foul, along with many other shows at the time, of the writers’ strike.