
‘Doctor Who’: ‘Nightmare In Silver’ spoiler-free review

We all love a bit of history, especially robot history, right? And there are few bits as fascinating as ‘The Turk’, an 18th century chess playing robot that amazed the folk of the time with its ability to beat a human at the game.

It was one of the first instances of man vs machine, and the concept of The Turk is something that writer Neil Gaiman clearly loves, for it’s embedded deep within ‘Nightmare in Silver’s’ programming.

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‘Doctor Who’: ‘The Crimson Horror’ review

Lawks a mercy! That was a camp confection and no mistake!

As a writer, Mark Gatiss doesn’t so much wear his influences on his sleeve as parade them like a popinjay. So it should come as no surprise that he is singularly suited to assembling such a preposterous patchwork of period pastiche.

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‘Vicious’: Episode 1 review

We don’t know what’s more impressive: that Shakespearean stalwarts Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi are finally working together, or that it’s in an ITV sitcom which is actually funny.

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‘Doctor Who’: ‘The Crimson Horror’ spoiler-free review

Mark Gatiss is a man who knows his Who and – as his past BBC documentaries attest – he’s also a scholar of horror. After the tension of ‘Cold War’ Gatiss blends his twin passions together into a frothing tankard of a script, ‘The Crimson Horror’; a bonkers draught of fun and scares. It’s ‘Whorror’. Oh, no… no, we’re never saying that again…

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