Cover Art for Doctor Who Short Trip: Her Own Bootstraps

Her Own Bootstraps – Doctor Who Short Trips 10.9 audio review

Her Own Bootstraps, September’s Short Trip, is another which fills in a little continuity reference, like 2019’s Battle Scars. Here, we run with the idea that the Ninth Doctor was present at the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. The story, as the title suggests, centres on a bootstrap paradox. It begins with the Doctor, travelling … >

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Callan Volume Two

Callan Volume Two review

Put-upon British counter-intelligence agent Callan is back in a new series of four audio dramas from Big Finish. Part of a new wave of tougher spy and spook dramas, Callan first reached TV screens as the optimism of the 1960s evaporated in the looming shadow of the bleaker 1970s. Created by James Mitchell, and lit … >

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Torchwood: Ex Machina review

Ianto Jones is the last member of the team left standing, in an eerily empty and abandoned Cardiff, in the latest monthly Torchwood audio release from Big Finish. Even more alarming than the unexplained absence of his colleagues is the arrival at his front door of Abigail, a young woman who seems to know all … >

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Doctor Who Cover Art: 'The Flying Dutchman' & 'Displaced'

The Flying Dutchman / Displaced – Doctor Who Monthly Adventures 268 audio review

The Flying Dutchman and Displaced form a double-header of two-part stories for September’s monthly Doctor Who range release. This time, we are back with the Seventh Doctor, travelling with both Ace and Hex (Phillip Oliver). The Flying Dutchman With Hex complaining that their adventures barely afford them a break, the TARDIS materialises on an 18th … >

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Doctor Who: These Stolen Hours cover art

These Stolen Hours – Doctor Who Short Trips 10.8 audio review

These Stolen Hours is a Short Trip drawn from a very specific point in Charley Pollard’s travels. While she narrates from a point during her time working for the Viyrans, she recalls an adventure with Doctor. Specifically, the Sixth Doctor, with whom she journeyed for a short while. believing her Doctor, the Eighth, had died. … >

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Sixth Doctor and Peri

The Sixth Doctor and Peri volume one audio drama review

Recent years had seen a shortage of Nicola Bryant stories as Big Finish took the opportunity to develop other companions for Colin Baker’s sixth Doctor. We had a burst of stories at the end of 2019, including the enjoyable Blood on Santa’s Claw and Other Stories, but there’s always room for more. What we hope … >

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Out of Time 1: Doctor Who audio review

Out of Time 1 is the first in a special series of multi-Doctor encounters. On this occasion, it brings together the Fourth and Tenth Doctors, grappling with the perennial threat of the Daleks. The tale begins with both Doctors taking some time out at the ‘Cathedral of Contemplation’. Built by a time-sensitive race and existing … >

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Torchwood Soho Parasite

Torchwood Soho: Parasite review

London’s Soho district in the 1950s was an area in transition. A bustling crowded enclave of pubs, clubs and cafes that had emerged from the harshest restrictions of post-War austerity but which was a decade away from being able to embrace the seedy and the satirical sides of the swinging Sixties. The swirling pea-soup smog … >

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Torchwood: Red Base

Torchwood: Red Base review

The much-loved character of Sergeant Andy Davidson takes centre stage in this latest monthly Torchwood audio release from Big Finish. Red Base is a blend of sci-fi caper and whodunnit, which sees Andy dispatched to investigate unexplained deaths on the Mars colony at Starr Base. What makes this personable Welsh copper’s task a little easier … >

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