8 ‘Doctor Who’ episodes to cheer you up

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Here are a few Doctor Who episodes to elevate your spirits when you’re feeling (TARDIS) blue…


‘The Invasion’

Doctor Who The Invasion Cybermen

This Second Doctor adventure is a perfect story for those miserable sick days when you find yourself couch-ridden and unable to put in much more effort than it takes to watch television.

Great news – not only is this story jam-packed with exciting Cyberman battles, the Doctor/Jamie/Zoe TARDIS Team of Cute on fine form, and appearances from Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and the UNIT gang, it also boasts a running time of eight 25-minute episodes, which gives you 200 straight minutes to chill out and enjoy before even having to lift the remote.


‘Robot of Sherwood’

Doctor Who Robot of Sherwood Tom Riley

This one is just fun, isn’t it? The Twelfth Doctor engages in a spoonfight with a supposedly fictional character, which sparks a festival of escalating one-upmanship and bickering – and a good old fashioned archery competition.

Plus, there’s robots (as you should probably have guessed from the title) and Ben Miller’s diabolical facial hair almost channelling Anthony Ainley’s incarnation of the Master.


‘The Gunfighters’

Doctor Who The Gunfighters William Hartnell First

Granted, “The Ballad Of The Last Chance Saloon” may not be to everyone’s taste, but look just beyond that regularly-repeated refrain and you’ll find a story that starts with a toothache-ridden First Doctor landing in probably not the best place in time and space for dental surgery, Steven’s exceptionally silly costume, and Dodo’s penchant for running headfirst into trouble, and culminates in the notorious gunfight at the O.K. Corral.

It may not have the gravitas of other stories, but it’s good, silly fun, and sometimes that’s exactly what you need in a Doctor Who adventure.


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