How being a fan inspires positive thinking

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Our minds are very complex indeed.

It is with no false pretence that as a fan of a film, television franchise or book series, we become more mindful and positive in ourselves. Some may not believe this to be true but think of a book, TV series, film or game that you love wholeheartedly, that makes you morph into a giddy child at the mention of its name. As you smile, what is it about that world that makes you feel good, happy or joyful?

Foe me, Doctor Who has been the one constant which has influenced my perspective on life and inspired me to be positive about my own life. My nine-year-old self had delved into the Doctor Who universe with a perpetual excitement about what to expect. At that age, I had only viewed the show as brilliant science-fiction entertainment because I wasn’t aware of how it could influence me.

Through my teenage years, Doctor Who had utterly changed my way of thinking and living. I began to question our place in the infinite universe because of the Doctor’s adventures, his whimsical questioning of alien life forms made me more open-minded towards people from different cultures and backgrounds.

His fascination and excitement at their discovery became my excitement. I realised I was privileged to live comfortably and happily, not knowing the atrocities that some countries experience. My thought processes began to deepen with curiosity about how a fictional universe could inspire me so greatly. Then I discovered the show reflected ourselves; our capabilities, flaws, weaknesses are constantly tested against monsters and foes.

The passion, compassion and intelligence the Doctor possessed enabled me to see humanity from an alien perspective. I learned we could be selfish, beautiful, terrible, kind and complex, which inspired me to be the better person; whether that be an understanding friend and sister, a kind stranger or a friendly helping hand. Once I searched for the positives in life, I found I was blessed to have the opportunities available to me, my health, family and friends.

I truly believe the fictional worlds that make us cry with frantic despair, laugh with hysteria, be moved to the point where our heart melts, is an important and special way to feel positive about yourself, people and know there is always something worth smiling for.

There is so much to live for and be positive about even during difficult times. We will always have them but if we look to those characters and universes we love, and suppress the selfish and hateful tendencies of our consciousness, we will be inspired to be the most amazing and beautiful version of ourselves that we can be proud of.

Written by Louise Thacker.