Why Do We Like Watching Shows So Much?

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Like many cultural practices, it is the contribution of cognitive resources, to the order of knowledge. With shows, we discover universes that would not be accessible to us without them.


There is for example the hospital environment, with Grey’s Anatomy, or the universe of terrorism which is treated by the “security” shows. There is also a whole aspect of emotional relationships. The shows most often bring us very positive emotions.


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On top of that, there is an effect of excitement, with many cliffhangers, which is the end of a show or an episode left in suspense. Let’s dig even further into this topic!

Why Do We Watch Certain Shows Over and Over Again?


A lot of people watch the same show repeatedly, like Friends. That makes it possible to find pleasant things. And after a while, you get to know the characters very well, as if they were your friends.


But to explain the phenomenon of binge-watching, it is first that the show is well made. The creators of the show know which elements to put in their scenario to push you to consume more.


And some elements are used, like the cliffhanger, but this is not a guarantee of quality. Some people are more sensitive than others to these mechanisms and are not capable of limiting themselves.


You don’t have to wait until the next week to find out what happens next. The tempo is in the viewer’s hands, but it is a freedom that can get out of hand.


The people who binge-watch are those who can afford it, and who have no professional or family constraints.


So, they are mostly young people. Some people live complicated moments in their lives, such as unemployment, or difficulties in love or marriage.


Binge-watching allows them to live another life by proxy. Today, young adults prefer to escape by quickly consuming their shows, rather than living their own life.


Can We Become Addicted to Shows?


It is not yet agreed, in the medical sense of the term, that shows can trigger addictions, as cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs do. Even if people who practice binge-watching find it difficult to stop.


What Do Shows Bring Ss that Movies Do Not?


People will prefer shows because they are chaptered and normally less long than movies. Each end of the episode is an exit. So, it’s easier to stop watching a show than a movie.


The exits are easier, it is less long than for a movie. Part of their success lies in the fact that they fit into the temporality of everyday life. There are shows whose episodes last twenty minutes, others one hour.


We choose what we watch according to the time we have. Whereas a film often lasts two hours.


In the evening, one of the arguments for watching a show is that it allows you to measure time better, through the episodes. For a film, the time investment is more expensive.


And we talk a lot about the phenomenon of dispersion. We have more and more difficulties staying concentrated for a long time in front of a screen. A film requires more attention than a show.


What Makes Some Show More Popular Than Others?


One example is Friends, which ended in 2004 but is still very popular, even among young people. And yet, it only tells the story of a group of friends.


First, there is a supply effect. The show has never stopped being offered. The arrival on the Netflix platform, and its prominence, have allowed it to capture a young audience, but that doesn’t explain everything.


There is also a universal effect. These are young people who are entering adult life with many problems.


We have all the ingredients that make the characters different and endearing, and we can identify with them. It’s what we call a choral show, so we don’t have just one main character, but a collective.


It is a tendency that developed in the Eighties. These are all figures that we can relate to and get attached to.


And then Friends raises a set of existential issues that are still relevant today, such as trans-identity, gay marriages, and divorces. We can say that it is a show that has aged well.


Even if one can make some reproaches, notably on the homophobia and the lack of characters of colour.


Finally, What Element Makes a Show Work?


First, it is necessary that the characters are endearing, and that we identify with them so that we agree to follow them.


This is the cornerstone of a successful show. In the end, the subject of a show is almost less important than the characters.