Brand new set pictures from Jessica Jones season two have emerged, and may offer some insight into how David Tennant’s Kilgrave is still around.
The final episode of Jessica Jones‘ first season appeared to mark the end of David Tennant’s work in the Marvel universe, but a picture released by Entertainment Weekly revealed that he will be returning.

Tennant portrayed the dastardly bad guy (one of the MCU’s best) throughout the Netflix series’ first thirteen episodes in 2015, and now it’s looking possible that Jessica’s final move of snapping his neck in revenge for his abuse of her and others might not have stuck.
Of course, this is a comic book show, so his resurrection is definitely one scenario we’re still not willing to rule out. Most likely, however, (and supported by these new images) is that Kilgrave will pop up in some kind of flashback, dream sequence or PTSD vision. As well as taunting Jessica, it seems Malcolm can’t shake his tormentor either.

Honestly, we can’t blame the writers for spending the cash on getting Tennant on screen again – Kilgrave was one notable exception to Marvel’s long-running villains problem.
Jessica Jones season two will return in 2018.