Pollution, stress, the time we spend in front of the monitor and TV does not make our health any better.
Furthermore, all these factors, especially the overwork, affect our eye health really bad.
The right lighting. If the lighting is wrong, our eyes feel overworked and get tired really quickly. However, don’t choose too bright light either because it can cause the eyestrain.Therefore, choose a better daylight lamp – they are just perfect.
Blink frequently! The thing is that we blink about half as often rarer when we stare at a screen. Thus, the eyeball lacks the liquid and becomes dry. Therefore, take your eyes off the monitor as often as possible, and blink, blink! Besides, you can use your screen filter in order to make it more matted if you have one.
Your eyes require diversity. Our eye muscles require physical training. It is important to do the exercises while working in front of the digital screen. Try the 20-20-20 rule: focus your sight on distant objects (about 20 feet away) for 20 seconds for every 20 minutes.
Relax! Here is a simple exercise if you are curious on how to relax your eyes: cover your eyes with hands so that the light does not penetrate through the closed fingers and eyelids. Now, peer into the imaginary horizon line for several minutes.
Fresh air. When an air conditioner or a radiator is working, the air is likely to become dry. The dry air affects your eyesight negatively. Therefore, ventilate the room frequently and go for a walk when possible. BUT don’t walk along a highway, the car exhausts won’t make your eyesight any better.
Rub your… ear! Massage and pinch the ear a little bit – this will relax your eyes.
Avoid ultraviolet rays. The sunlight can also exasperate your eyes. Ultraviolet rays can damage both the crystal and the retina of the eye. Therefore, it is important to wear good (high-quality!) sunglasses. Make sure that your shades are able to block out 99-100% of UV-A and UV-B radiation.
Do not forget about vitamins! Here are some great vitamins and foods to improve your eyesight:
Vitamin C (citrus fruits, paprika, kiwi)
Vitamin E (almond, avocado)
Vitamin A and its derivatives (spinach, celery)
and Zn (beef, dairy products, liver).
The life-giving water. Eyes, as well as other parts of your body, require liquid. Therefore, drink as much water, herbal tea, and juice as possible!
Relaxing techniques. Here is an interesting tip, which may help you to relax – what you need is a happy relationship and a healthy sensual life. If are still looking for your soul mate, try using dating websites. Stay healthy and happy with dating a Russian girl. Another key thing that will help your body to relax and will have a positive effect on your eyes is yoga. People who do not know how to relax often suffer from eye diseases and poor eyesight. Therefore, those who suffer from high eye pressure should follow one of the available methods of relaxation.