
‘Doctor Who’ showrunner teases Doctor/Clara dynamic

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Jenna Louise-Coleman makes her (second) debut in ‘The Snowmen’ on Tuesday 25 December at 5.15pm on BBC One.

Moffat told Vulture: “This time we are very well acquainted with the Eleventh Doctor. He’s our pal and the companion will be the new person. So I wanted somebody with a bit more mystery to them, someone you have to get to know in a way that you didn’t have to get to know Amy because we met Amy and the Eleventh Doctor at that same time. Someone more challenging and difficult, someone who will lead him in a merry dance. I always felt that Amy and the Eleventh Doctor grew up together. They’re like childhood friends. It’s a very different feeling now.”

The writer added: “[Jenna] fit beautifully with Matt in a very different way from Karen [Gillan]. For one thing, she’s little and so Matt is suddenly terribly tall. It feels like a bigger age gap somehow. He suddenly is the irascible older man, which Matt does extremely well despite the fact he’s 30. As for the twist, I didn’t exactly know how they’d connect in the first draft [of Jenna’s first episode, ‘Asylum of the Daleks’] but I did quite early on. I pitched the idea of how we were going to do all this far in advance and I’m saying no more than that.”

Are you looking forward to seeing Clara? Let us know below…

> Buy Series 7 Part 1 on DVD on Amazon.

Watch the Christmas special trailer…