The actress told The Telegraph: “Yes, well, [‘Asylum of the Daleks’] was something else! Oswin still has human thoughts. It was an interesting way to be introduced. Oswin is a mystery. The Doctor has to think, ‘Who is this woman? Why is she stuck on this planet? Is she a Dalek or isn’t she?’ She is a challenge to him because she is this mystery.”
She continued: “I can see that my character has so many different facets to her. She meets the Doctor and she doesn’t know who he is either. Is she really going to go off with him? It’s a big ask.”
Coleman added: “The Doctor really wants to find out about her. She is obviously very clever, possibly more clever than he is, so she’s a challenge. I really liked that about the role.”
Clara Oswin Oswald made her (second) debut in ‘The Snowmen’ on Christmas Day on BBC One.
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