Based on the Marvel Comics characters of the same name, Ant-Man will be the twelfth installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and will follow 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron. Fillming is due to begin next summer, directed by Edgar Wright from a script written by himself and Joe Cornish (Attack the Block). Ant-Man will be released in cinemas on 31 July 2015.
Speaking to CultBox to promote the release of The World’s End on DVD and Blu-ray this week, Wright commented: “…what’s kind of good about the Marvel Comics is that usually the characters are a lot more grounded. They have real world problems and that’s become part of the screenplay.”
He explained: “You always end up anchoring it in someway that appeals to you, even in the craziest sort of comic book sci-fi aspects of it. You’ve got to keep it grounded in the characters and the relationships that mean something outside of the Marvel Universe.”
Wright also hinted at the stories which may have influenced his script: “I had two issues as a kid, one of them was a reprint of ‘Tales to Astonish 27’ featuring ‘The Man in the Ant-Hill’. So I had a copy of that, and then later I had ‘Marvel Premiere 47’ which was the first appearance of Scott Lang. So it was funny that I had both those issues, and I particularly thought ‘The Man in the Ant-Hill’ was something extremely odd and cool and it almost had a horror movie feel to it.”
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> Buy The World’s End on DVD on Amazon.
Watch the trailer for The World’s End…