Fan reaction to ‘Doctor Who’ 10th anniversary if Twitter existed in 1973 is hilarious

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Can it really be three years since Doctor Who fans were speculating madly about what would happen in ‘The Day of the Doctor’?

Who would be returning? Who wouldn’t be returning? Of course, it all worked out rather marvellously in the end, but that didn’t stop fandom losing their minds in 2013 trying to guess what Steven Moffat had in store.

Rewind another 40 years and fans were preparing for the show’s first big anniversary celebration, 1973’s ‘The Three Doctors’, marking ten years since the show began with a multi-Doctor story featuring William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton and Jon Pertwee together as the first three Doctors.

Twitter user @themindrobber has brilliantly imagined how Doctor Who fans would have reacted if social media had existed in the run up to ‘The Three Doctors’…


All we can say is ‘good luck’ to whoever is showrunner in 2063!

Buy ‘The Three Doctors’ on DVD on Amazon here.

What did you think of ‘The Three Doctors’? Let us know below…