Infographic: The history of Easter Eggs in the media

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Easter may have been and gone, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still be on the look-out for Easter Eggs.

In case you didn’t know, “Easter Egg” is also slang for an inside joke or hidden message concealed in a movie, TV show or video game (or even on a website!).

From the sneaky cameos of Alfred Hitchcock in 39 of his 52 movies to the famous appearances of Stan Lee in many Marvel films, the tradition is actually older than you may think.

And did you know that the term “Easter Egg” apparently originated with 1975’s The Rocky Horror Picture Show movie, after the cast had a real life Easter Egg hunt and accidentally left a number of eggs around the set, only for them to subsequently appear in the finished film!, the UK’s largest dedicated printer cartridge company, has created this brilliant infographic which takes a closer look at Easter Eggs in the media…

What’s your favourite movie Easter Egg? Let us know below…