Netflix has just announced The Fix, a new unscripted comedy show featuring Jimmy Carr and Katherine Ryan. Of course, these talented comedians have been hosting Your Face Or Mine together – showing off loads of chemistry – on Comedy Central for the last few years.
Variety’s report describes Netflix’s The Fix as “the first comedy show in the world with the stated ambition to solve the world’s biggest problems through comedy.” The show certainly has our attention.
Carr will host the series, which has a panel show structure, and Ryan will be one of the two team captains. The other team captain will be D. L. Hughley, an American comedian/actor/radio host/political commentator.
In each episode, these three regulars will be joined by guests – a mix of comics and experts. The teams will be given “one massive issue facing the world”, for which they will have to work out a fix. Hence the title.
The series is produced by Michael Davies and Andrew Westwell through the Embassy Row production company.
Netflix has ordered ten episodes of The Fix, although we don’t know their release date yet. We also don’t know who the guests will be.
As we hear more, we’ll be sure to let you know.