Space Sweepers

Space Sweepers — release date and trailer for new Korean sci-fi film

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Netflix has confirmed a February date for the world-wide release of Korean science fiction thriller Space Sweepers and dropped a teaser trailer

Set in 2092, Earth has become a bleak planet which will soon be uninhabitable. Spaceship Victory is one of the many that live off salvaging space debris. Crewed with a genius space pilot Tae-ho (Song Joong-ki), a mysterious ex-space pirate Captain Jang (Kim Tae-ri), an spaceship engineer Tiger Park (Jin Sun-kyu), and a reprogrammed military robot Bubs (Yoo Hai-jin), Spaceship Victory surpasses all other space sweepers. After successfully snatching a crashed space shuttle in the latest debris chase, Victory’s crew find a 7-year-old girl inside. They realise that she’s a humanlike robot wanted by UTS Space Guards, and decide to demand ransom in exchange.

Space Sweepers is directed by Jo Sung-hee  (who also directed the box office hit A Werewolf Boy and Phantom Detective). Released in 2012, A Werewolf Boy won the Baeksang Arts Award for Best New Film Director. Jo Sung-hee got the idea for the film when  a friend talked to him about the dangers of space debris. With the inevitable delays due to the pandemic, the release was delayed and a webtoon version was released. You can see a webtoon trailer on the Km Tae Ri Fans twitter stream here.

You can watch the teaser trailer here. , and the film will be available from February  5th exclusively on Netflix.

Saving Earth was never the plan